No matter how big it is and how much time you actually spend there, your living room will always be the center of your home. This is where you welcome your friends, spend quality time with your family, and relax after a long day at the office. That’s why your living room deserves all the love and care in the world, and revamping it from time to time is the best way to do that, so here a few ideas you might want to take into consideration.
Living Room Revamp Ideas
Paint the walls
This is probably the oldest trick in the book, but it’s still the easiest and most effective way to introduce a massive change into your living room area. Repainting the walls is something you can even do yourself – all you need is some free time, a few friends who can help you out, the right material, and, of course, the perfect color scheme.
Picking the right color for your living room is never easy, so pay close attention to this aspect of the process. Most people choose simple colors such as beige and yellow, but you can always go in another direction and opt for tones that are both eye-catching and calming. Be bold and don’t be afraid to try out new options – if you realize you’ve made the wrong choice, you can always repaint your living room and try again.
Update the furniture
Once you’ve picked the right color palette, it’s time to move on, and update other elements of your living room. This usually means purchasing new furniture, but you need to be careful because this process isn’t as simple as people think. You need to take comfort, coziness, visual appeal, practicality, material, and colors into consideration, so make sure you do a good job.
If you went all in with the color of your walls, you need to go the opposite with the color of your furniture. Throwing too many colors into the mix is never a good idea, so stick to a simple and neutral color scheme, especially if you’ve repainted your walls in an extravagant color. This way, you’ll reach the right balance, and make every element of your living room work together.
Check the floors
This is usually not high on our list of priorities, but the floors are an important feature of every inviting and welcoming living room. These make your design complete and show your visitors that you’re a detail-oriented person who knows the value of every aspect of interior design. Because of that, checking the floors and installing new ones is something you need to do.
If you live in an older home, you’ll probably need to replace your floors, so look into several different ideas. Some people opt for hardwood floors and tiles, others go for bamboo and cork, while the third prefer carpets, giving their living room a new look and making it warmer and cozier than ever. However, you shouldn’t be installing these on your own, and finding a professional service is always better. This is something people in Australia know quite well, which is why they might want to try looking into professionals in efficient carpet installation from Sydney, letting them work their magic and enjoying the new look in their living room.
Change the layout
If you’re bored with your living room – and the chances are you’ll get bored every two or three years – you don’t have to spend tons of money on renovating it. You can simply change the layout and introduce a dose of excitement into your interior space without spending any money at all.
There are lots of layouts you could explore, so don’t be afraid to invest some time and energy into that process. It’s all about the size of your living room, the furniture you’ve got, and the amount of time you spend here – trust us, you’ll eventually find a layout that will work for you perfectly.
Updating your living room is easier than most people think, and you too can do that in a matter of days. Come up with a plan, assemble a crew, ask your friends and family to help you out, and start turning your living room into the most exciting space in your home.
Emma Joyce
Emma B. Joyce is a blogger based in Australia. She is a true home decor and DIY fanatic. Finding new designs and patterns is her daily task. She got hooked on home accessories and decorations during her traveling and now cannot stop searching for new inspiration. Emma is an editor-in-chief on the Smooth Decorator blog.