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Easy DIY Project Ideas For Home Storage

Written by Erica McCall | Apr 24 2019

You’ve channeled your inner Marie Kondo and cleared your home of all those things that don’t “spark joy” for you any longer. Even so, you still need some ideas for home storage. Let’s face it—it’s every homeowner’s fantasy to start a project that adds secret drawers, sliding panels, and some extra shelves, magically creating more space for you to use. But the truth is those lofty ideas require both time and money. You’re probably managing your life outside of your home, and you won’t ever be able to devote the necessary time to these projects.

Plus, despite your best efforts to clear your home KonMari style, we tend to gather things we don’t
need; this tendency causes a lot of unnecessary items to accumulate in the house again quicker than
you’ll know. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should throw them away, but you must think of new ways to make the most use of the space you have. By following these quick hacks, you will be able to increase the storage space of your home and also make life easier for yourself.

6 DIY Hacks For Home Storage

Using the space right can be tough. You have to make sure that the project you embark upon is safe and true to the aesthetic beauty of your home. Here are 6 DIY hacks to help you increase your home storage.

1. Use the Space Under-The-Bed

Utilizing under-bed space is the first project you need to start while looking to expand your storage
capacity. The area beneath the beds can be used to store anything from kid’s toys to clothes, shoes, and even luggage. Be crafty and fit in large drawers to accommodate whatever you want to keep in there.This area is ideal for storing items that you use less frequently.

2. Use Shoe Pegs

Shoes are bulky and eat up a lot of space. They are usually stored in boxes which erode the overall look of your closet and make it appear overstuffed. Often people end up lifting box lids furiously seeking the right pair of shoes only to realize that you’ve buried them underneath the pile.
The solution to this problem is the easy shoe peg solution. Just place wooden boards with pegs on the wall horizontally and start hanging your shoes on it.

3. Hanging Baskets

This DIY project helps you in two ways. It not only increases the overall storage but also enhances the
aesthetic appeal of your home. You can hang multiple basket son different levels and use each for
storing a separate item.

4. Use Laundry Bags in the Pantry

Is there typically a lot of clutter on the countertop in your kitchen? Banish that clutter!

To solve this problem, you can repurpose mesh laundry bags to store vegetables like potatoes and
onions neatly inside the pantry. Hang the mesh bags on the inside of your pantry door to utilize that
otherwise wasted space. The best thing about using these bags for storing your veggies is that those
small perforated holes that keep them fresh for a long time.

5. Laundry Room DIY 

The laundry room is arguably the dirtiest room in the entire house. This room is also the victim of clutter and negligence. You can do a DIY overhaul to transform this eyesore of a space. Start by adding shelves on the top to store dirty clothes in baskets. Also, create hanging space for newly pressed clothing. Don’t forget to mount a rack to hang up your iron and ironing board.

6. DIY Closet Storage

Closets take many hits from us. We often throw our shirts, belts, shoes, and several other items in the
closet without even bothering to know where they landed. This behavior happens when we are too tired to sort things out and carefully place them where they belong. An attractive solution to this problem is creating an efficient closet storage tower. You can create a modular tower with each section specific for a unique type of item. Because it’s easy to access, you’ll increase the odds of using it.

These DIY project ideas for home storage are useful. Why? Because they are easy to implement, you’ll
be likely to embrace the suggestions, enabling you to keep your home more organized.